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Nov 1, 2023 Attribution Meta

Support for Meta Install Referrer

Meta Install Referrer is an Android-specific measurement solution that is designed to help attribute views and clicks to the correlating app download from Meta app ads. Attributions through Meta Install Referrer are available in Singular’s user-level reporting via Singular’s real-time BI postbacks, or user-level ETL data destinations.

See Meta attribution integration guide for more information on Meta Referrer and how to enable this measurement option.

May 17, 2023 Attribution

Partner Configuration Export now holds more data

The export postback settings for all partners have been updated with more fields to give you better visibility into your configurations and make auditing easier.

See Partner Configuration FAQ for a detailed list of fields exported.

May 15, 2023 iOS Meta

Meta updates for iOS Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM)

Meta's Aggregated Event Measurement is a protocol that allows for the measurement of web and app events from people using iOS 14.5 and later devices. AEM utilizes conversion data that Singular sends to Facebook through the MMP integration.

See Facebook Ads Attribution Integration for AEM FAQs.

May 9, 2023 Reporting

Updates to the Campaign Report

The Analytics > Campaign Report page now contains a new table widget called Creative Data that shows impressions, clicks, and installs (from your attribution tracker) for your creatives.

Also, the Publisher Drilldown widget now supports Publisher Name and Publisher Site ID dimensions in addition to Publisher ID.

See Understand The Campaign Report for more on both these updates.

May 9, 2023 Reporting SKAdNetwork Tracking Links

Quality of Life Improvements

  1. The navigation bar in the Singular platform now collapses. Hover over the icons to see a popup menu and quickly navigate to another page.
  2. The UI for the Analytics > Reports page has been refreshed.
  3. Singular now creates a default Fraud Alert to help you get started with setting up alerts.
  4. When you create a custom link in the Singular Links API, the response now contains an automatically generated “short_link” field. Short links created in this way do not expire.
  5. All tiers of customers can now create up to 10 custom dimensions (up from 5).
  6. When managing members in Settings > Team Management, you will now be able to create, edit, and search by custom descriptions for each member. See FAQ.
  7. When you archive Link Domains, a popup now asks you to confirm the decision. This prevents accidentally archiving domains.
  8. Dimensions: The Dimensions Availability shelf now also shows you SKAN Version and SKAN View Through. Ad Monetization reports now contain the App name from your network to help identify unmapped data. See Descriptions for these fields.
May 9, 2023 Apps

Avoid duplicating app sessions with Minimum Session Intervals

There is a new setting available for Android and iOS apps. The minimum session interval is the minimum time between sessions processed by Singular. Change it on the Settings > Apps page, under Show Advanced Settings > Attribution Settings. See our updated FAQ.

Note: All existing integrated apps have no change in behavior and have a minimum session interval of 0 (off). All newly added & integrated apps will have a default minimum session interval of 12 hours.

May 9, 2023 Reporting

New Design on the Reports Page

The reports page has a new UI for the selectors at the top. Filters are now expandable, and the icons and help section have been improved. Check out the Reports page.

March 28, 2023 Banners Attribution

Singular is Ready for Chromium Client Hints

Singular is starting to use the new Client Hints feature in Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.) as the user agent information is being reduced.

If you use Singular Banners, you need to make small changes to your website. See our updated FAQ. If you are a Singular partner, see our Client Hints FAQ for Partners.

March 22, 2023 Reporting

New Campaign Report for quick insights

A new report page is available in our analytics suite. The Campaign Report page offers a pre-built 8-widget dashboard that shows you common metrics for the sources and campaigns you choose. Go to Singular or See Understand The Campaign Report.
March 14, 2023 Reporting

App Store Dimensions

We have a new dimension called "Normalized Installer Source" that gives you the install data in a human-readable way, e.g. the iOS App Store, Google Play, the Galaxy store, the Xiaomi store, the Huawei store, and more. See Singular Metrics and Dimensions Descriptions.
March 13, 2023 Reporting

Data Refresh available to Enterprise clients

Sometimes you need to manually refresh the data from your data connectors, usually when your network has made external changes such as error fixes and billing updates. You can request a data refresh on demand from the Data Connectors page. See How to Refresh Data for a Data Connector.
Note: This is an enterprise feature. Reach out to Singular if you have a business use for this feature.
March 02, 2023 ETL

Customizable ETL Schemas

When you set up your data destinations, you will now be able to customize your schema with custom dimensions, cohort events, and more. Additionally, we've added a new attribution data schema for your tracker data. See Data Destinations: Aggregated Data Schemas.
February 28, 2023 Reporting

New Social Engagement Metrics

Singular now supports social engagement metrics such as Likes, Comments, Shares, and Page Follows/Saves. These metrics are supported for large networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. See Metrics and Dimensions Descriptions.
February 28, 2023 Attribution

Singular Links API

Singular now offers a new REST API that will help you or your partners automate your tracking link generation and scale your campaigns. Use the API to create partner links, view them via the API, and see them populate in the UI. See Singular Links API.
February 15, 2023 SKAdNetwork

SKAN 4 Postbacks

Singular is already receiving SKAN 4 postbacks from networks that are in the initial testing phase for SKAN 4. If you're interested in getting ahead on SKAN 4, talk to your partners and review postback data via our Export Logs and User Level ETL.
February 15, 2023 Cross-device

CTV Attribution Soft Launch

Attribution clients can now use Singular impression URLs to understand the ROI of connected TV ads on mobile app conversions. If you have a partner that needs to be integrated, have them submit an integration request.
February 15, 2023 Web

Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Beta for Web

Singular has launched a beta program for Web MTA. Beta clients will be able to track all touchpoints to report website conversions using different attribution models (first touch, last touchpoint, linear, U model, and time decay). If you run web campaigns, sign up for the beta.
January 15, 2023 SKAdNetwork

The SKAN 4 SDK is Live

All Singular SDK versions - native iOS, React, Flutter, Unity - support SKAN 4. Inform your dev team so they can plan their roadmaps accordingly. See SDK Documentation hub.
December 30, 2022 Reporting

New ATT Opt-In Dimension

There is now an "ATT Opt In" dimension that shows you for every install whether the user opted into Apple's App Transparency Tracking on both the Campaign and the Sub-campaign levels. Quickly understand how your ATT opt-in rate evolves and keep track of how your optimizations are impacting the number of users that opt-in.
December 15, 2022 SKAdNetwork

The Singular SKAN 4 Product Vision

To help make SKAN 4 reporting gains accessible to teams of all sizes, we're working on new conversion models and data science-powered analytics. See Singular's SKAN 4 Roadmap.
November 30, 2022 SDK

Testing Console Updates

The Singular SDK Console is now called the Testing Console and has a number of upgrades. You can use the testing console to check whether you've implemented events correctly and are passing the necessary parameters. Go to the Testing Console.
November 30, 2022 Reporting Attribution

City-level Attribution

Singular now supports attribution data at the city-level. This enables marketers with localized businesses to get city-level installs and re-engagements. Contact Singular to get started.

October 31, 2022 Reporting

Star your favorite apps

In certain pages within Singular, you can now star your favorite apps to appear at the top of the list of apps. Hover over an app and click the star icon.

This feature is available on the following pages: Attribution > Manage Links, SKAdNetwork > Model Configuration, and Automation > Banners.

September 30, 2022 Web Cross-device

New Singular Banners for Mobile Websites

Singular's new Banners feature allows you to drive a frictionless UX and better conversions rate from web-to-app. Easily design, deploy, and maintain brand-relevant banners for your mobile website.

» See Singular Banners, and contact Singular to see if it is right for you.

September 19, 2022 SKAdNetwork

New SKAN Revenue Funnel Model

We now offer a new SKAN Revenue Funnel Model to balance revenue events and optimize a user's engagement path. This model will be available in the coming quarter, but you can contact Singular to test it now.

» To see if this is right for you, contact Singular.

September 15, 2022 Reporting Integrations Attribution

Integrations Updates Roundup: September 2022

August 16, 2022 Facebook Snapchat TikTok

SKAN Event Mapping Notification for Meta, Snapchat, TikTok

We've built in additional notifications for these networks to ensure you don't miss a conversion model configuration step. Now when you update your model with new events, we'll remind you to add and map those events in your partner configuration (postbacks) for these networks.

August 9, 2022 Reporting

Calendar Data Selector Improvements in Dashboards

Now when you select dates using the calendar selector, your date selection preferences will persist for Dashboards on your user profile. This will be expanded to other reporting dashboards in the future.

» Need help with dashboards? See Dashboards FAQ.

August 5, 2022 Web

Gamesight Attribution Support

Singular now supports Gamesight to surface your game and web campaign attribution data in Singular Reporting.

With additional set-up, this integration also supports cross-device measurement, enabling you to see holistic user-cohorted reporting for your users that engage in multiple game platforms across desktop and mobile devices.

» To see if this is right for you, contact Singular.

August 3, 2022 Benchmarks

Singular Benchmarks is now GA!

The Benchmarks feature provides various data visualizations that allow you to understand where your company is positioned in relation to your industry. You will also be able to discover market trends and uncover opportunities in your ecosystem.

» Find the new Benchmarks section in the left navigation panel in Singular, or see the Benchmarks FAQ in the Help Center.

July 15, 2022 Reporting

View Unmapped Data in your Reports

When you run Singular reports, you will now see unmapped data by default. This shows you data where networks aren't providing fields that are needed to streamline and enrich your data. This change affects UI reporting, API, and ETL data.

» See Unmapped Data and Mapping Keys FAQ.

July 15, 2022 SKAdNetwork

SKAN Optimized Models

For customers with Revenue conversion models, Singular will evaluate your active model and may recommend an optimized one. Optimized Models are automatically generated to give you the most accurate revenue estimates from SKAdNetwork. You'll see the percentage increase in accuracy to help you make the best decisions for your SKAN campaigns.

» See SKAN Optimized Models FAQ.

July 13, 2022 Reporting Attribution

Improvements to Onboarding Guides and Audits

Our in-app onboarding guide has been re-made from scratch to make it easier to get started with Singular.

Also, clients that are in the process of onboarding will receive automatic audit emails to help them understand the next step in the onboarding process.

May 23, 2022 Facebook

Meta Campaign Pause Reduced from 72 hours to 24 hours

Previously, App advertisers who wanted to update events that are used in ads running in iOS 14+ campaigns experienced an automatic pause to ads for 72 hours. This allowed us to detect changes to event configurations.

Starting on May 23rd, 2022, this cooldown period for iOS 14+ campaigns is reduced to 24 hours and will be rolled out to all customers over 2 months.

May 11, 2022 Web Cross Device

Improved Web Measurement

Web and cross-device reporting have been enhanced with a number of new features:

  • 5 new UTM parameters: UTM Campaign, UTM Content, UTM Medium, UTM Source, UTM Term
  • 3 metrics: New Visitors, Re-Engaged Visitors, Total Web Conversions
  • 1 new aggregated ETL schema: Aggregated web data
  • 3 updated user-level ETL schemas: Events, Attributions, and Clicks

See our solutions for web, web-to-app, and cross-device measurement.

May 11, 2022 Data Destinations

Continuous ETL

Data destinations are receiving a big update over the next few weeks. The following are now available:

  • New ETL dimensions: data_connector_id, data_connector_timestamp_utc, data_connector_source_name, data_connector_username
  • Hourly updated data: The continuous ETL assesses new data available from your networks and immediately initiates the Singular ETL to pull and then push that data to your data destination.
  • ETL Status: ETL status per network (and per account ID) are reflected on the Data Connectors page and via an API endpoint.

Learn more in our Data Destinations FAQ.

May 11, 2022 Reporting Integrations

Custom Names for Data Connectors

You can now add a custom text description for each of your data connectors in their configuration shelf. This helps you easily identify which data connector is tied to your different apps, regions, agencies, UA Managers, etc.

April 16, 2022 Reporting Integrations

Data Connectors Updates Roundup: March 2022

April 12, 2022 Attribution TikTok

Change to TikTok View-through Attribution

In September 2021, TikTok started requiring MMPs to mask their view-through-attribution user-level data. You now have gained some of that visibility back with TikTok’s latest update. TikTok’s VTA user-level data will still be masked, but instead of reporting as "unattributed", network and campaign granularities will be reported as “TikTok Restricted”.

Review TikTok’s attribution integration.

April 8, 2022 Reporting Attribution

More Options for Re-engagement and Postback Windows

Control your re-engagement inactivity window on the app level with expanded support for 0-48 hours and up to 90 days. Make granular optimizations and limit your inactivity window by the hour to increase your re-engagement numbers, or expand your inactivity window up to 3 months to ensure you’re not re-engaging too early. Learn more about re-engagement.

Now you can set postback windows for in-app events that differ from your install attribution window to ensure your postback windows are optimized for better conversion rates and CPEs. Each in-app event window can be updated to reference one of three different touchpoint options: “Click Time”, “Install Time”, or opt for “None” if you’d prefer Singular to send all postbacks to your partner (attributed and non-attributed postbacks). Learn more about postback configurations.

April 4, 2022 Fraud Protection

New Help Center Content on Fraud Protection

Our Fraud Prevention documentation has been re-written and expanded. See the following:

April 1, 2022 SDK

Update Android SDK/S2S Implementation

Singular has updated its SDK and Server-to-server integration requirements to be in line with Google's updates to Google Play Services. We recommend updating your SDK integration as it will affect your ability to attribute users who have opted out of ad personalization.

See our FAQ for the next steps.

February 25, 2022 SKAdNetwork

Mixed Models

There are three new conversion models available that allow you to mix two model types together, viz. Conversion Events & Revenue, Engagement & Revenue, and Funnel & Revenue models.

Revenue is a valuable indicator but getting revenue signals within a 24-72hr period can be too inconsistent to solely depend on. Now you can incorporate other vital signals to better predict your SKAN campaign performance and user LTV.

February 25, 2022 Alerts Fraud Prevention

Fraud Alerts

You can now create custom alerts for your fraud data reports. This means you can be alerted to spikes in rejected touchpoints and suspicious installs in real-time. Get started.

February 25, 2022 Reporting Integrations

QOL Updates: Sticky Filters and Data Connector Description

Sticky Filters: We’ve added Sticky Filters to your reports. These allow you to add data filters and rerun the report without switching back to the Edit Report query.

Data Connector Description: When you add or edit your data connectors, you will now see a field at the bottom of your shelf where you can enter a custom description. This text will appear within your data connector table.

February 25, 2022 Reporting

New Ratio Metric: ARPDAU

We've added a new key metric Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) to your reports. If you use our ad monetization tools, you will also see Ad ARPDAU and Total ARPDAU in your metrics. See our Metrics and Dimensions Glossary.

February 25, 2022 Dashboard

Dashboard Privacy, Speed, and Sharing

Private Dashboards: By default, dashboards are open to your entire organization to view and edit. Now dashboard creators can toggle their dashboards between public and private mode, where they will be the only user able to view, edit, or delete their dashboard.

Dashboard Sharing: Every dashboard now has a unique URL, making it easier to share with other users in your organization. The user must have the necessary access to view the dashboard.

Dashboard Loading Speed: Dashboards are now cached every 20 minutes to improve your loading speed. You will also be notified to refresh the page if new data becomes available.

See our Dashboard FAQ for more information.

February 16, 2022 Reporting

Apple Search Ads Keyword ROI

A year ago, when ASA introduced the new ASA Framework, Keyword ROI became unavailable due to the updates in Keyword dimension granularities within the new framework. We’re excited to share that we've enhanced our heuristics to overcome this limitation and can now once again report on Keyword ROI and allow you to optimize your ASA campaigns efficiently. Run an ASA Report.

February 16, 2022 Integrations Reporting

Data Connectors Updates Roundup: February 2021

February 12, 2022 Reporting Integrations

Audit Reports for easy validation of your setup

You can now run automated audit reports in the Singular platform. The audit report runs more than 20 validations on various configurations and setup steps and generates a CSV report. Learn more in our Audit Report FAQ.

February 10, 2022 SKAdNetwork Ad Revenue Reporting

New Dimensions and Metrics Roundup

The following new dimensions are now available in Singular Reports:

  • Quality Score: The Bing 1-10 numeric rating for the relevance of keywords, ad content, and landing pages.
  • App ID: A unique identifier that helps improve data accuracy and data joining.
  • Placement: Where the ad is displayed in the publishing app or website. Currently available for Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat.

The following new fields are now available in SKAdNetwork Reports:

  • SKAN ARPU: The Average Revenue per User in your SKAdNetwork Reports.
  • Country: The country of the campaign.

See the Metrics and Dimensions Glossary.

January 18, 2021 Integrations Reporting

Data Connectors Updates Roundup: January 2021

December 14, 2021 Dashboard Reporting

Enhanced Dashboards - Visualize your data

Our new and improved Singular Dashboards are the instant data snapshots you’ve been asking for! Singular Dashboards are customized reporting visualizations that provide a summary of your top marketing KPIs. Now your dashboard view will include customizable widgets where you control the metrics, dimensions, filters, and chart type. Build bar charts, pie charts, pivot tables, and design your dashboard layout!
**Update: We’ve now added support for 6 additional data sets to customize your dashboards: SKAdNetwork (both Raw & Combined), Creative, Fraud, Ad Monetization, and Cross-Device data sets.

December 14, 2021 SKAdNetwork Reporting

S2S Support for Conversion Models

Are you using both Singular SDK and S2S events in your marketing measurement? There’s no need to update code for S2S event conversion model support. Now you can use your S2S events in your SKAdNetwork Conversion Model.

December 14, 2021

Industry-First Singular Private Cloud

Continuing to lead innovation in the mobile measurement partner space, Singular Private Cloud leverages data clean room technologies that allow marketers to collaborate, and use data in a privacy-safe way best-suited to their business needs. Marketers maintain complete autonomy over their growth stack, marketing measurement, and sensitive user data in their own private environment. Using Singular Private Cloud, enables privacy-safe data sharing between marketers and media platforms that can help promote deeper data relationships and access. Learn More

December 7, 2021 Integrations Reporting

Data Connectors Updates Roundup: December 2021

November 24, 2021 Attribution Integrations Reporting

General Audit Report Automatically Tests Your Singular Setup

New customers can now run an audit report to see if anything is missing or incorrectly configured in their Singular setup. For more details, see the Audit Report FAQ.

November 11, 2021 Attribution SDK

Audit Report Now Available to Automatically Test SDK/S2S Integration

See Automatic Auditing for SDK/S2S Integrations: FAQ.

November 1, 2021 SKAdNetwork Reporting

New Modeled Metrics in SKAdNetwork Advanced Analytics

Modeled metrics, now available in SKAdNetwork Reports and SKAdNetwork Raw data, are extrapolated based on existing conversion values to give you a better idea of the performance of your entire campaign. The new metrics are Modeled Conversion Value Count, Modeled Revenue, Modeled ROI, and Modeled Events.

See SKAdNetwork Advanced Analytics FAQ and TroubleshootingAPI Reference 

October 26, 2021 Facebook Attribution

Facebook Install Referrer

Facebook are deprecating their Advanced Mobile Measurement (AMM) program and are offering a new attribution solution for Android based on the Android Install Referrer. Singular supports the new Install Referrer solution and recommends the following steps in order to minimize the impact on your Android campaigns:

  1. Check your Facebook developer portal for your Android apps to locate your Install Referrer decryption key.
  2. Copy and paste each apps’ unique decryption key to all Android apps for which Facebook is configured in the Partner Configuration page in your Singular dashboard, and click Save.
August 25, 2021 Integrations Reporting

Data Connectors Roundup: August 2021

New ad monetization data connectors now available in the app: AdSense, SmartAds, and (myTarget).

Snapchat: You can now change the attribution window. Clicks and installs will be pulled according to the selected attribution window. Contact Singular Support to configure a new attribution window.

Google Ads data connector updated to Google Ads API v. 8.1.

Twitter data connector updated to Twitter API v. 9.

Facebook data connector updated to the Facebook API v. 11.
August 17, 2021 Attribution

QR Codes for Singular Links

All Singular Links for custom sources now display a QR code. Download the code to use in print, billboards, or any other campaign that would benefit from offering a quick way to open a URL. Singular's QR codes support deep linking and are available for both the long and the short link URL.

August 17, 2021 SKAdNetwork Ad Revenue

SKAN Ad Revenue Data

Singular's SKAdNetwork solution now supports reporting on ad revenue in addition to in-app purchase revenue.

Learn about the new SKAN conversion models: Admon Revenue and Combined Revenue.

August 17, 2021 Ad Revenue

SDK Support for Ad Revenue Attribution

Ad revenue attribution can now be set up through the Singular SDK. This method allows ad revenue to be included in SKAdNetwork models.

See implementation guide for iOS SDKUnity SDKAndroid SDK
July 1, 2021 SKAdNetwork Reporting

New SKAN metrics: Conversion Value - Count and Conversion Value - Ratio

New metrics in SKAdNetwork Reports and Raw Reports: "Conversion Value - Count" is the number of SKAN installs for which we have a conversion value (including conversion value 0). "Conversion Value - Ratio" is the percentage of SKAN installs for which we have a conversion value.

Learn more in the SKAdNetwork Raw Data and Reports FAQ

June 30, 2021 SKAdNetwork Integrations Facebook

New Facebook SKAN integration based on raw conversion values

Facebook now allows Singular to pull raw conversion values and decode them within Singular. With the new integration:

  • SKAN metrics including Estimated Revenue are calculated by Singular starting June 27.
  • Raw data for Facebook is available in the SKAdNetwork Raw report.
  • When configuring a conversion model, you no longer need to go to the Events page to map the new events to Facebook events.

Facebook SKAN Integration documentation

June 28, 2021 Reporting

Revamped Alerts page helps you monitor changes in your data more easily

The new Alerts page lets you sign up for data delay notifications via email or Slack, while also offering an improved UI for building your own custom alerts to monitor significant or unexpected changes in your data.

Alerts FAQ

June 8, 2021 Reporting Attribution

New Dimensions Availability window makes reporting data transparent

A new feature for users of Singular's attribution service, the Dimensions Availability window gives you full transparency into your reporting data by showing which networks provide which dimensions to Singular.

Dimensions Availability FAQ

June 2, 2021 SKAdNetwork Integrations Google

Google Ads SKAN Integration

Singular is now integrated with Google Ads for SKAdNetwork campaigns. Reporting for Google includes conversion value decoding and does not require any special configuration.

Google Ads SKAdNetwork Integration

May 31, 2021 SKAdNetwork Integrations

SKAdNetwork Reporting Available for AppsFlyer Users

Singular now offers SKAdNetwork reporting for customers who use AppsFlyer as their tracker. The reports merge SKAdNetwork installs with ad network data (including cost, clicks, and impressions) and tracker installs, allowing you to measure your CPI and ROI.

Getting Started with SKAdNetwork (For AppsFlyer Users)

April 2, 2021 Reporting API SKAdNetwork

SKAdNetwork Reports available through API

The new Create Async SKAdNetwork Report endpoint can be queried to pull the same data available in the SKAdNetwork Reports page.

SKAN API Documentation

April 2, 2021 Reporting SKAdNetwork

Support for Funnel model events

In addition to events created through Conversion and Event models, we now fully support Funnel events (see: ). Any event defined in a Funnel-type model is automatically created in the Events page and measured in the SKAdNetwork Report page.

Funnel model documentation

March 18, 2021 Integrations Attribution Apple Search Ads

New Apple Search Ads (AdServices) Attribution Integration

The new integration supports attribution regardless of AppTrackingTransparency consent status for iOS 14.5+.

Integration documentation

March 15, 2021 Integrations SKAdNetwork Facebook

Facebook SKAN Integration Supports Post-Install Events

The Facebook SKAdNetwork integration now supports measuring post-install events.

Facebook SKAN Integration documentation

March 15, 2021 Integrations SKAdNetwork Twitter

New Twitter SKAdNetwork Integration

Singular now supports receiving SKAdNetwork information from Twitter.

Twitter SKAdNetwork integration documentation