Singular SKAdNetwork API Reference

Learn how to use Singular's API interface to get SKAdNetwork data.

The API endpoints described below are available to customers who use Singular's attribution tracker.

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How to Use the SKAdNetwork API


Query the Create Async SKAdNetwork Raw Report endpoint or the Create Async SKAdNetwork Report endpoint, specifying your chosen metrics and dimensions.

This will generate an asynchronous report query and returns a report ID.

Note: To get data about SKAdNetwork events, query the SKAN Events endpoint first to get a list of your available SKAN events.


Using the report ID, query the Get Report Status endpoint to see when the report has finished running.

When the report is done, the Get Report Status endpoint returns a report URL.


Download the report from the report URL.



List of SKAdNetwork API Endpoints

The following API endpoints are available:

Create Async SKAdNetwork Raw Report POST Use this endpoint to analyze the raw SKAdNetwork install data received in SKAdNetwork postbacks.

Create Async SKAdNetwork Report

POST See SKAdNetwork data combined with ad network cost, impressions stats, and CPI calculation.
SKAN Events GET This helper endpoint returns a list of your available SKAN events to use when querying Create Async SKAdNetwork Report.
Get Report Status (same endpoint used for Non-SKAN Reports) GET Returns the status of a given report.

Create Async SKAdNetwork Raw Report Endpoint



This endpoint generates an asynchronous report query for raw SKAdNetwork data collected from SKAdNetwork postbacks. Query this endpoint to see the number of SKAdNetwork conversions per network and app. You can also break down the conversions by conversion value, where available - the actual number from 0 to 63 is a dimension in this report. See full details below.

The endpoint returns a Report ID. The next step is to query the Get Report Status endpoint to see when the report is done and get a download URL.


Sample Query (Python)

import requests
    url = ""
    params = {"api_key": API_KEY}
    data = {
       "skadnetwork_date_type": "skan_postback_date",
       "start_date": "2021-01-01",
       "end_date": "2021-01-01",
       "dimensions": "app,source,skan_network_id,skan_campaign_id,skan_app_id,skan_publisher_id,skan_conversion_value,skan_redownloads,skan_validated,country_field",
       "metrics": "skan_installs",
       "filters": '[{"dimension": "skan_validated", "operator": "in", "values": ["false"]},{"dimension": "skan_redownloads", "operator": "in", "values": ["true"]}]',
       "time_breakdown": "all",
    response =, params=params, data=data)

Query Parameters

Parameter Format Description Example
Basic Parameters
api_key String All Singular API requests require an API key. To retrieve the key, log into your account and go to Developer Tools > API Keys. In your request, you can insert the key in the api_key parameter or provide the token under an Authorization HTTP header.  
start_date Date   '2020-12-01'
end_date Date   '2020-01-10'
time_breakdown String How to break down the results:
- "day"
- "week"
- "month"
- "all" (display aggregated data over the entire date range)
skadnetwork_date_type String Choose which type of date you want the report to be based on:
- "skan_postback_date" (default) - the date the device sent the SKAN postback.
- "estimated_install_date" - the install date calculated by Singular (see How does Singular calculate the install date?).
Field Selection Parameters
dimensions String A comma-separated list of dimensions. See the table below for the dimensions available for SKAdNetwork reports.  
metrics String

A comma-separated list of metrics. See the table below for the metrics available for SKAdNetwork reports.

Filtering Parameters
app String A comma-separated list of app names to filter the query results by. To retrieve a list of app names, use the Filters endpoint. 'my_app1, my_app2'
source String A comma-separated list of ad networks (and other sources) to filter by. To retrieve a list of ad network names, use the Filters endpoint. 'facebook,adwords'
filters   An array of JSON objects where each object contains a dimension, an operator, and a value to filter by.
Use this parameter to apply more advanced filtering. Note that if you specify multiple filters, they will be applied with an AND relation.
Available filters for SKAdNetwork reports (see details in the Available Dimensions table below)
'[{"dimension": "skan_validated",
"operator": "in",
"values": ["false"]},
{"dimension": "skan_redownloads",
"operator": "in",
"values": ["true"]}]'
Formatting Parameters
format String The format in which the query results will be delivered. Options: "json" (default) or "csv". 'csv'
country_code_format String Either "iso3" (default) or "iso" 'iso'

Available Dimensions

Dimension Description
skan_app_id The value of the 'app-id' parameter in Apple's SKAdNetwork postback.
skan_network_id The value of the 'ad-network-id' parameter in Apple's SKAdNetwork postback.
skan_campaign_id In SKAN 3 and older: The value of the Campaign ID parameter in Apple's SKAdNetwork postback. 
In SKAN 4: The first two digits of the Source ID parameter (see also: skan_digit_3 and skan_digit_4).
skan_publisher_id The value of the 'source-app-id' parameter in Apple's SKAdNetwork postback.
app The app name in Singular (derived from skan_app_id).
source The ad network name as listed in Singular (derived from skan_network_id).
The Campaign ID as used in regular Singular reports (not the campaign ID given by SKAdNetwork).
The Campaign Name as used in regular Singular reports.

Since SKAdNetwork currently does not provide geographical data for the user, Singular attempts to fill in this information by looking at the network's campaign targeting settings. This field is populated only if the campaign targets a single country.

skan_conversion_value [Deprecated] The SKAdNetwork conversion value (a number between 0 and 63).
skan_unified_conversion_ value

The SKAN conversion value for SKAN 4. The value can be:

  • A number between 0 and 63 (fine conversion value)
  • Or "low", "medium", or "high" (coarse conversion value)

The SKAN conversion value description is an text representation of the CV value. 


Apple's SKAdNetwork postbacks include a "redownload" field. Apple says this is true if the app has already been downloaded and installed by the same user (same Apple ID). Singular marks every SKAdNetwork install as either a "download" or a "redownload."

Important: For SKAdNetwork installs reported by Facebook and Snapchat, the "redownload" field in Singular is always false because Facebook and Snapchat don't share the value of this field with customers or MMPs. This may cause discrepancies between redownload numbers in Facebook/Snapchat vs. Singular reporting.

skan_validated As a part of Singular's SKAdNetwork solution, Singular receives and parses SKAdNetwork postbacks from ad networks and checks with Apple to confirm that each postback represents an actual install. Validation ensures that installs are not fraudulent.

The SKAdNetwork version as received in the postback.


[Coming soon] The third digit in the Source ID (if included in the SKAdNetwork postback).


[Coming soon] The fourth digit in the Source ID (if included in the SKAdNetwork postback).

Available Metrics

Metric Description
skan_conversion_values_count The number of SKAN installs for which Singular has received a conversion value (including conversion value 0 but not including conversion value Null).
skan_conversion_values_ratio The percentage of SKAN installs for which Singular has received a conversion value (including conversion value 0 but not including conversion value Null). This is equal to Conversion Values Count / SKAN Installs.
skan_installs The number of installs as reported by the SKAdNetwork framework.

The number of SKAN installs that Singular estimates will have a conversion value (including conversion value 0 but not including conversion value Null).

Use this along with the Conversion Value dimension to understand how many installs had a specific conversion value, e.g., if you see a count of 1000 with a conversion value of 3, we estimate 1000 installs had a conversion value of 3.

The number of p2 postbacks reported by SKAdNetwork.
The number of p3 postbacks reported by SKAdNetwork.

Create Async SKAdNetwork Report Endpoint



This endpoint generates an asynchronous report query for SKAdNetwork data merged with ad network and tracker data. Query this endpoint to measure CPI, click-through rate, etc., for your SKAdNetwork campaigns, broken down by network and/or campaign.

The endpoint returns a Report ID. The next step is to query the Get Report Status endpoint to see when the report is done and to get a download URL.


Sample Query (Python)

import json
    import requests
    url = ""
    params = {"api_key": <API_KEY>}
    data = {
        "format": "csv",
        "skadnetwork_date_type": "estimated_install_date",
        "start_date": "2021-03-10",
        "end_date": "2021-03-10",
        "dimensions": "app,country_field,source,unified_campaign_id,unified_campaign_name",
        "metrics": "custom_impressions,custom_clicks,tracker_installs,adn_cost,skan_installs,ctr,skan_ocvr,skan_ecpi",
        "time_breakdown": "all"
    response =, params=params, data=data)

Query Parameters

Parameter Format Description Example
Basic Parameters
api_key String All Singular API requests require an API key. To retrieve the key, log into your account and go to Developer Tools > API Key. You can insert the key in the api_key parameter in your request or provide the token under an Authorization HTTP header.  
start_date Date   '2020-12-01'
end_date Date   '2020-01-10'
time_breakdown String How to break down the results: "day", "week", "month", or "all" ("all" = display aggregated data over the entire date range) 'all'
skadnetwork_date_type String Choose which type of date you want the report to be based on:
Field Selection Parameters
dimensions String A comma-separated list of dimensions. See the table below for the dimensions available for SKAdNetwork reports.  
metrics String A comma-separated list of metrics. 'skan_installs'
String A comma-separated list of SKAN events for which you want to see event counts. Specify the events by their automatically assigned 'name', not their 'display_name'. For a list of available events, query the SKAN Events endpoint. '283465926592873, 394753947523452'
Formatting Parameters
format String The format in which the query results will be delivered. Options: "json" (default) or "csv". 'csv'

Available Dimensions

Dimension Description
source The partner network.
app The app name.
country_field Since SKAdNetwork currently does not provide geographical data for the user, Singular attempts to fill in this information by looking at the network's campaign targeting settings. This field is populated only if the campaign targets a single country.
skan_redownloads Apple's SKAdNetwork postbacks include a "redownload" field. Apple says this is true if the app has already been downloaded and installed by the same user (same Apple ID). This dimension breaks down the installs by whether they are a "redownload" or a regular download. Important: For SKAdNetwork installs reported by Facebook and Snapchat, the "redownload" field in Singular is always false because Facebook and Snapchat don't share the value of this field with customers or MMPs. This may cause discrepancies between redownload numbers in Facebook/Snapchat vs. Singular reporting.
skan_validated As a part of Singular's SKAdNetwork solution, Singular receives and parses SKAdNetwork postbacks from ad networks and checks with Apple to confirm that each postback represents an actual install. Validation ensures that installs are not fraudulent. This dimension breaks down the installs by whether they were successfully validated.
Note that for some networks' data, e.g., Facebook, Singular can't validate SKAdNetwork installs; instead, they are assumed to have been validated by Facebook.
unified_campaign_id The Campaign ID as used in regular Singular reports (not the campaign ID given by SKAdNetwork).

The Campaign Name as used in regular Singular reports.

Available Metrics

Metric Description
adn_cost Cost as reported by the ad network.
ctr Click-through rate (ratio of clicks to impressions).
skan_conversion_values_count The number of SKAN installs for which Singular has received a conversion value (including conversion value 0 but not including conversion value Null).
skan_conversion_values_ratio The percentage of SKAN installs for which Singular has received a conversion value (including conversion value 0 but not including conversion value Null). This is equal to Conversion Values Count / SKAN Installs.
Any campaign revenue (regardless of the conversion model used). Note: This metric replaces the older skan_estimated_revenue.
ROI calculated based on skan_revenue. Note: This metric replaces the older skan_estimated_roi.
skan_installs Number of installs as reported by SKAdNetwork.
skan_ecpi Effective Cost per Install: the total cost divided by the number of SKAN installs.
skan_ocvr Conversion rate from impressions to SKAN installs.
Ad clicks, as reported by the network.
Ad impressions, as reported by the network.
tracker_installs The number of installs. These are installs attributed by the tracker based on device matching, as opposed to "SKAN Installs," which are based on SKAdNetwork postbacks. See What are tracker installs?

With the introduction of SKAN Advanced Analytics, the Report Endpoint now supports modeled metrics and events. To request a modeled metric or event, append "modeled_" at the start of a metric or event parameter.

We also support confidence intervals for each modeled parameter. To request a confidence interval, append "_confidence_interval" at the end of a modeled metric or event parameter.

SKAN Events Endpoint



This endpoint returns a list of your available SKAN events, for use when querying Create Async SKAdNetwork Report. The events are displayed as pairs of "display_name" and "name." "display_name" is the name of the event as it appears on the Events page, while "name" is the automatically assigned ID that you need to specify when you query Create Async SKAdNetwork Report.

For more information, see What are "SKAN Events"?

Sample Query (Python)

import requests
import json
url = ""
params = {'api_key': <API_KEY>}
result = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
print result.json()

Query Parameters

Parameter Format Description Example
api_key String All Singular API requests require an API key. To retrieve the key, log into your account and go to Developer Tools > API Keys. You can insert the key in the api_key parameter in your request or provide the token under an Authorization HTTP header.  

Sample Response

    u'status': 0, 
    u'substatus': 0, 
    u'value': {
        u'skan_events': [
            {u'display_name': u'level_up', u'name': u'845736495863948'}, 
            {u'display_name': u'tutorial_watched', u'name': u'34079384570293'}, 
            {u'display_name': u'facebook_login', u'name': u'283462837462348'}

SKAN-Specific Error Codes

Singular uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, 200 codes correspond to success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted), and 5xx codes are for other issues.

See also: List of general error codes returned by the Reporting API

Error message Solution
There is no SKAdNetwork data configured.  
'is_skadnetwork_report' param expected to receive value 'true', got 'xxx' instead. Ensure your parameter values match the permitted values in the table above.
'skadnetwork_date_type" param expected to receive one of the following values (...), got '...' instead.
The dimensions ['...'] can not be requested in a SKAdNetwork report.
The metrics ['...'] can not be requested in a SKAdNetwork report.
The '...' filter expected to receive one of the following values ['false,' 'true', got '...' instead.