Learn about Singular's integration with Tapjoy and how to add Tapjoy as a partner for Singular's attribution service.
Integration Summary
(See Partner Integrations Glossary)
Partner | Tapjoy |
Partner Type | Ad Network |
Click Tag | Supported |
View-Through | Supported |
Re-engagement | Not Supported |
S2S | Not Supported |
Creatives | Supported |
Publisher | Supported |
Receiving All Installs | Supported |
Receiving All Events | Supported |
- Integrate the Singular SDK (see instructions).
- Get your App ID from Tapjoy.
- To set up event postbacks, first talk with your POC about which App ID or Engagement ID you should use and map to the SDK event names.
See Partner Configuration for general instructions for setting up a partner.
For Tapjoy, you will also have to fill out the following special fields:
Field | Description |
Tapjoy App ID | ID provided by Tapjoy for each mobile application. |
Tapjoy Engagement ID | A unique 35-character alphanumeric ID representing an in-app action (e.g., install, registration, purchase, level completion, etc.) and is used for tracking conversions and mapping them back to the corresponding app and event combination in Tapjoy. |
1. Set up sending install postbacks to Tapjoy. Tapjoy recommends to select to "Send All" installs so they can receive attributed and unattributed installs.
2. Proceed to setup In app Events Postback and manually select the Revenue and Events Postbacks you wish to send to Tapjoy.
- Paste the corresponding Tapjoy Engagement ID in the field next to the corresponding Singular SDK Event Name.
- Recommended: check “Send All” to send all partner postbacks for all events that users trigger in your app, whether the events are attributed to this partner or not.
- If you choose not to "Send All", then you must select the “Postback Window Starting Point” of either: Install, TouchPoint or Unlimited.
- This is the instance from when the postback window lookback starts. Choosing “Install” will enable sending postback data that aligns with your Singular cohort reporting windows since Singular’s cohorts are based on the time of install.
- This is the instance from when the postback window lookback starts. Choosing “Install” will enable sending postback data that aligns with your Singular cohort reporting windows since Singular’s cohorts are based on the time of install.
Setting up Daily Rewards Campaigns
- If you want to run Daily Rewards campaigns with Tapjoy, you must be sending a "level completed" event within your Singular SDK implementation and passing the level completed value.
- If you are already doing #1, you can proceed to set up a postback to Tapjoy sending your "level completed" event.
- You will need to modify your postback to send the level completed value that is captured from the Singular SDK. Follow these steps:
- There is a placeholder in the postback template {EVTATTRS} which should be replaced with {EVTATTR:Attribute_Name}. Please input the attribute name used in the Singular SDK implementation which captures the level completed value.
- If the SDK event name for level completed is "Level_Completed" and the value is sent on the event attribute named "level" you need to replace Attribute_Name with level, and your postback macro should look like: {EVTATTR:level}
- There is a placeholder in the postback template {EVTATTRS} which should be replaced with {EVTATTR:Attribute_Name}. Please input the attribute name used in the Singular SDK implementation which captures the level completed value.