IronSource Attribution Integration


Setup Instructions

  1. Integrate the Singular SDK (see instructions).
  2. Get your Advertiser ID and password from the IronSource dashboard:


  3. For event postback configurations, coordinate with your POC which event names you should use and map to the SDK event names.
  4. In Singular, go to Attribution > Partner Configuration.
  5. Click Add a Partner. In the search box that appears, type and choose Ironsource. See Partner Configuration for general instructions for setting up a partner.
  6. Provide the following particular fields:
    Field Description
    Advertiser Password The password you got from IronSource in step 2.
    Advertiser ID The advertiser ID you got from IronSource in step 2.
    Event Name Choose the event name from the existing dropdown.


Integration Summary

(See Partner Integrations Glossary)

Partner IronSource
Partner Type Ad Network
Creatives Supported
Publisher Supported
View-Through Supported
Re-engagement Not Supported
S2S Not Supported
Click Tag Supported
Receiving All Installs Supported
Receiving All Events Supported
Receiving Ad Revenue Events Supported