Amplitude Attribution Integration

Singular can send attribution and event data to Amplitude via postbacks.

Setup Instructions

  1. Integrate the Singular SDK (see instructions).
  2. In Singular, go to Attribution > Partner Configuration.
  3. Click Add a Partner. In the search box that appears, type and choose Amplitude. See Partner Configuration for general instructions for setting up a partner.
  4. Provide the details in the Amplitude Configuration shelf and click Save.
    Field Description
    Amplitude API Key/Client Attribution ID Retrieve this from your Amplitude account.
    Install or Re-engagement Choose whether you want to send re-engagement event data in the postback.


After the integration is complete, data created in Singular is available in Amplitude. See Amplitude's documentation.

Integration Summary

(See Partner Integrations Glossary)

Partner Amplitude
View-Through Supported
Re-engagement Supported
Receiving All Installs Mandatory
Receiving All Events Mandatory