Singular supports attributing preloaded Android apps using Google Play Auto Install (PAI). Preloaded apps are apps that come pre-installed on Android devices, typically through original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), mobile carriers, or discovery partners, and get downloaded automatically upon device activation.
Advertisers may partner with OEMs or other preload vendors, to preload their apps on Android devices. When consumers purchase and activate their app for the first time, apps are already installed.
Once the app is opened for the first time, the install is recorded and attributed to the preload partner.
Singular supports attribution for OEM preloaded apps using Google Play Auto Installs (PAI) which prioritizes attribution credit to the preload partner. PAI utilizes the Google Play Install Referrer mechanism to relay preload information and provide deterministic attribution without any user identifiers. The install referrer payload from PAI resembles the following:
OEMs must specify the "utm_campaign" value through Google PAI. Upon device activation, apps are downloaded through Google’s services and the specified Install Referrer values are available upon first app open. Singular’s SDK automatically captures the Google install referrer, and attributes using the information provided by it.
Singular Android preload attributions currently have the following traits:
- Attribution windows are not used
- Preload attributions ignore last-touch attribution rules, i.e. even if there is an ad network click directly preceding the first app open, the preload attribution will win attribution
- Considered deterministic
In order to use Android preload attribution for OEMs, the following technical requirements must be met:
- If you are using SDK use Singular Android SDK integration, and ensure Google install referrer dependency is included
- For S2S use Singular S2S API integration, with Google install referrer implemented
To configure Android preload attribution with your OEM partner:
- Build a “utm_campaign” value.
The reference table below details the various “utm_campaign” options you can use, along with the reporting granularity available with each option. - Give the “utm_campaign” value to your OEM partner.
Option | Utm_campaign value | Directions & Notes | Reporting Granularity |
1 | singular_tracker=[Singular Link] For example: singular_tracker= pscn=MySubCampaignName |
Granularity according to the Singular Link:
2 | [any value] |
Source = “PAI Preload” Partner Campaign Name = [any value] |
Note: If the OEM provides no “utm_campaign” value (“utm_campaign=null”) to Google PAI, attribution will not occur.