Singular 可以向您的 BI 平台发送有关应用程序安装、重新吸引、应用程序内事件和任何其他事件的实时通知。这些通知被称为内部 BI 回传(或回调),可通过合作伙伴配置页面进行设置。
- 有关向合作伙伴网络配置回传的信息,请参阅如何配置归因合作伙伴。
- 要了解 Facebook、Google、Apple、Snapchat、Twitter 和 Yahoo 营销活动的回调情况,请参阅来自自归因网络的内部 BI 回调:字段映射和示例。
查看 Singular 发送的回传日志:
- 在 Singular 中,进入 "属性"(Attribution)>"导出日志"(Export Logs ),选择相关日期范围和回传日志类型。
- 在日志包含的字段列表中,确保选择响应 HTTP 代码(Response HTTP Code)和响应 HTTP 主体(Response HTTP Body)。
- 在下载文件中,检查回传是否发送成功,如果没有,看看能否找出原因:
- 响应 HTTP 代码字段会告诉你回传是否成功发送。如果发送错误,Singular 会以 1、5、15、30 和 60 分钟的间隔重试回传 5 次。
- 响应 HTTP Body字段可能包含有关错误的其他详细信息。
如果有问题,请检查设置并联系 Singular 支持。
注意:Singular 无法控制平台处理数据的方式。您在日志中看到的数据与Singular向您的BI回传的数据相同。
注: 还有其他方法从 Singular 获取用户级属性数据:
- 下载日志(参见导出日志和用户级数据常见问题
- 设置数据目的地,定期将用户级数据从Singular导出到系统中(参见Singular数据目的地(ETL)常见问题解答
- 登录Singular账户,进入 "属性">"合作伙伴配置",选择 "内部商业智能合作伙伴"。
- 在配置窗口中,确保提供回传 URL(如。Singular 将通过 POST 请求发送回传。
- 配置其他回传设置的方法与配置合作伙伴回传的方法相同(请参阅如何配置归因合作伙伴)。
- Singular会发出HTTP POST请求,数据有效载荷为JSON格式(见下文结构)。
- 如果 Singular 收到的 HTTPS 响应代码在 500 和 599 之间,它就会重试回传(最多重试 5 次)。
- 重试时间为原始发送尝试后的1、5、15、30 和 60 分钟。
- 有关回传服务器 IP 地址的最新列表,请参阅回传服务器 IP 地址。
Singular 发送的回帖是一个 JSON 对象,包含以下字段:
关键字 | 值 | |
app_name | Display Name of application | string |
longname | Long name (bundle ID) of application | string |
platform | iOS or Android | string |
event_name | Name of the event. Some events sent in postbacks are auto-tracked or generated events. These events include installs, sessions, uninstalls, reinstalls, and revenue events. See Auto-Tracked Events. | string |
idfa | Unhashed iOS advertising identifier of device | string |
idfv | Unhashed iOS identifier for vendor | string |
aifa | Unhashed Android advertising identifier of device | string |
android_id | Unhashed Android ID. Available only if aifa (android advertising ID) is not available | string |
singular_id | Deprecated - Used when LAT is enabled for iOS devices. Use IDFV. Singular internal ID | string |
event_utc_timestamp | Event UNIX Timestamp | number |
click_utc_timestamp | Click UNIX Timestamp | number |
install_utc_timestamp | Install UNIX Timestamp | number |
is_organic | 1 if event is Organic, 0 if attributed | number |
is_viewthrough | 1 if attributed event is a view-through conversion, 0 otherwise | number |
network | Name of network to which install is attributed, when available | string |
network_tiktok_restricted | For view-through campaigns, subject to restrictions based on TikTok Ads' terms of service | string |
campaign | Campaign name as specified in Attribution Tracking Tags | string |
campaign_group | Campaign Group Name (available for certain Self-Attributing Partners) | string |
campaign_tiktok_restricted | For view-through campaigns, subject to restrictions based on TikTok Ads' terms of service | string |
tracker_campaign_name | Campaign Name as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pcn | string |
tracker_campaign_id | Campaign ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pcid | string |
tracker_sub_ campaign_name | Sub-campaign name as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pscn | string |
tracker_sub_ campaign_id | Sub-campaign ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pscid | string |
tracker_creative_name | Campaign creative name as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pcrn | string |
tracker_creative_id | Campaign creative ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pcrid | string |
tracker_publisher_id | Publisher ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in the click in ps | string |
tracker_publisher_ sub_id | Publisher SUB ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in the click in pssn | string |
tracker_publisher_ site_name | Publisher name as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the psn | string |
tracker_publisher_ site_id | Publisher ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the psid | string |
tracker_publisher_ sub_site_name | Sub-publisher name as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pssn | string |
tracker_publisher_ sub_site_id | Sub-publisher ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in click in the pssid | string |
tracker_name | Campaign name as specified in Attribution Tracking Tags | string |
partner_campaign | Deprecated - Use tracker_campaign_name or tracker_campaign_id Campaign ID or Name as passed by the network. Available if passed in click | string |
partner_sub_campaign | Deprecated - Use tracker_sub_campaign_name or tracker_sub_campaign_id Sub Campaign Name or ID as passed by the network. Available if passed in click | string |
partner_site | Deprecated - Use tracker_publisher_site_name or tracker_publisher_site_id Source site or application for click. Available if passed in click | string |
partner_sub_site | Deprecated - Use tracker_publisher_sub_site_name or tracker_publisher_sub_site_id Source sub site or application for click. Available if passed in click | string |
creative | Creative Name or ID. Available only if provided in click | string |
site | Source site & Sub Site for click. Available if passed in click | string |
user_id | Custom user ID. Available if passed by the SDK | string |
singular_click_id | Singular assigned click ID | string |
is_reengagement | Will return '1' if attributed to a re-engagement campaign, '0' if not | number |
click_ip | IP of the device at the time of the clicked ad | string |
os_version | OS version of the device at the time of the clicked ad | string |
app_version | App version of the device at the time of the install/event | number |
country | Country from which user installed | string |
city | City from which user installed | string |
limit_ad_tracking | Do not track flag is set active will return '1', all other conditions will return '0' | number |
device_model | Device model | string |
device_brand | Device Brand | string |
match_type | Whether the attribution is deterministic (device ID matching), probabilistic (Android only), or none (null value indicates an organic install). | string |
amount | Revenue event postbacks only - The transaction amount in dollars and cents | number |
currency | Revenue event postbacks only - The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the transaction | string |
is_first_event | Returns '1' for first occurrence of an event (revenue or custom), '0' for every subsequent event from the same device ID | number |
fb_campaign_id | Numeric Facebook Campaign ID. Subject to restrictions based on Facebook's terms of service | number |
fb_campaign_name | Facebook Campaign name. Subject to restrictions based on Facebook's terms of service | string |
fb_adset_id | Numeric Facebook Ad Set ID. Subject to restrictions based on Facebook's terms of service | number |
fb_adset_name | Facebook Ad Set name. Subject to restrictions based on Facebook's terms of service | string |
fb_ad_id | Numeric Facebook Ad ID. Subject to restrictions based on Facebook's terms of service | number |
fb_ad_name | Facebook Ad name. Subject to restrictions based on Facebook's terms of service | string |
twitter_campaign_name | Twitter Campaign Name. Subject to restrictions based on Twitter's terms of service | string |
twitter_campaign_id | Twitter alphanumeric Campaign ID. Subject to restrictions based on Twitter's terms of service | string |
twitter_line_id | Twitter alphanumeric Line Item ID. Subject to restrictions based on Twitter's terms of service | string |
fraud_status | Fraud decision for installation. Available only when fraud postbacks are enabled. Possible values are "valid"/"suspicious"/"rejected" | string |
fraud_reason | Name of rule that decided the fraud status (for example, the name of the rule that rejected the install). Available only when fraud postbacks are enabled. | string |
收入事件名称 |
说明 |
__IAP__ |
An event triggered by any in-app purchases that have not been given a custom name in the SDK/S2S implementation. |
(Custom revenue events) |
In-app purchase events that have been given custom names in the SDK/S2S implementation also appear in the list. |
__ADMON_ USER_LEVEL_REVENUE__ | An event triggered by revenue gained from ad monetization (if you have set up ad revenue attribution using the method of sending SDK events). |
An event triggered by any revenue coming into the app (including __IAP__, purchase events with custom names, and ad revenue events). See warning below. |
- 为 __IAP__ 和任何自定义购买事件设置映射。
- 或者使用 __REVENUE__,它包含所有应用程序内购买事件。
- 为 __IAP__ 、任何自定义购买事件和 __ADMON_USER_LEVEL_REVENUE__ 设置映射。
- 在这种情况下,我们不建议使用通用事件 __REVENUE__,因为它包括购买和广告收入事件,将这两种收入映射到网络端的同一收入事件可能会造成问题。
- 相反,应将应用内购买事件映射到网络的购买事件,而将 __ADMON_USER_LEVEL_REVENUE__ 事件映射到网络的告诫或广告收入事件。
- 如果不确定在网络方面使用什么事件,请联系网络了解详情。