If you are tracking ad revenue attribution (user-level ad revenue) with Singular, you can run ad revenue ROAS-based campaigns with Singular's partners who accept ad revenue postbacks, including ironSource, Unity Ads, TikTok, Smadex, BIGO, Aura, Mintegral and Kwai.
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Check Your Existing ConfigurationIn Attribution > Partner Configuration, under Event Postbacks, check your existing postback configuration for each partner. If you are sending other revenue postbacks to the partner (in-app purchase revenue postbacks):
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Configure Ad-Revenue PostbacksIn Attribution > Partner Configuration, under Event Postbacks, map the Singular event named __ADMON_ USER_LEVEL_REVENUE__ to the appropriate ad revenue event on the partner's end. To prevent duplicate data, double-check that you are using the correct custom revenue event that tracks in-app purchases and that it is mapped to a separate event on the partner's end. The mapping should be as follows:
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Special Instructions for ironSourceTo set up Ad Revenue ROAS campaigns with IronSource, contact your IronSource and Singular customer success managers. |
Yes. Follow the instructions above if you're tracking user-level ad revenue with Singular. Some ad networks need to perform data checks for their reporting suite to ensure that data is flowing into their reports correctly and can be used to optimize your campaign, so check with the partner. See the Unity partner documentation for more help with setup.
Note: There may be discrepancies between Singular's reporting and a network partner's reporting of ad revenue. We can only investigate discrepancies if the partner can help us understand their reporting.
It depends on your game's monetization and whether you get IAP revenue, ad revenue, or both.
If you have a mix of both types of revenue, you can do a hybrid ad revenue + IAP campaign, or two separate campaigns targeting different revenue streams.
- To send ad revenue, map the __ADMON_ USER_LEVEL_REVENUE__ SDK event to the ad_revenue event in Unity Ads.
- To send in-app purchase revenue, map the __iap__ SDK event to the purchase event in Unity Ads.
See the Unity Ads guide for setting up ROAS campaigns. Unity Ads has an eligibility criteria of D7 to run a ROAS campaign. You can run a CPI campaign until you get enough data for the D7 criteria to be met. You can also continue to run a CPI campaign and have it feed the algorithm.