Reddit Data Connector

Learn how Singular pulls advertising cost data from Reddit and displays it in your reports. Please contact your Reddit POC to request they whitelist your account to use the V2 reporting API. 

Quick Details

Data connector technology API
Data breakdown (segmentation)


How far back we pull data No limit
Time zone Your Organization's Timezone as set in Singular
Does the partner offer data for today? Yes
Is data available on the creative level? Yes
Does Singular show your creative assets? No
Known limitations and issues This API does not yet provide "installs" data for App Install events.

Data Mapping

For descriptions of each field in Singular reporting, see the Singular Metrics and Dimensions Glossary.

Field in Singular UI Field in Singular API Field in Reddit
Account ID adn_account_id account_id
Country country_field country
Date date date
Network Campaign ID adn_campaign_id campaign_id
Network Campaign Name adn_campaign_name campaign_name
Network Sub Campaign ID adn_sub_campaign_id ad_group_id
Network Sub Campaign Name adn_sub_campaign_name adgroup_name
Reported OS reported_os reported_os
Reported Type reported_type click_url
Reported URL reported_url reported_os
N/A creative_html_preview preview_url
N/A creative_image_download_link thumbnail
Creative Name creative_name name
N/A creative_text_preview title
Network Creative ID adn_creative_id ad_id
Cost adn_cost spend
Network Clicks adn_clicks clicks
Network Impressions adn_impressions impressions
Completed Video Views completed_video_views video_watched_100_percent
Video Views video_views video_viewable_impressions
Video Views 25% video_views_25pct video_watched_25_percent
Video Views 50% video_views_50pct video_watched_50_percent
Video Views 75% video_views_75pct video_watched_75_percent