Criteo Data Connector

Learn how Singular pulls data from Criteo and displays it in your reports.


Quick Details

Data Connector Technology API (See Criteo's API documentation)
Data breakdown (segmentation)

You can get your data broken down by the following dimensions:

  • Campaign (called "Ad Set" in Criteo)
  • Country
Time Zone UTC
Is data available on the creative level? Yes
Does Singular show your creative assets? Yes

Data Mapping

For descriptions of each field in Singular reporting, see the Singular Metrics and Dimensions Glossary.

Field in Singular UI Field in Singular API Field in Criteo
Account ID adn_account_id AdvertiserId
App Site ID app_site_id Advertiser
Country country_field country
Network Campaign ID adn_campaign_id AdsetId
Network Campaign Name adn_campaign_name Adset
Platform platform os
Cost adn_cost AdvertiserCost
Network Clicks adn_clicks Clicks
Network Impressions adn_impressions Impressions
Network Installs adn_installs SalesPc30d
Original Cost
adn_original_currency Currency

Special Instructions

We pull all the events mentioned in the Criteo Metrics documentation, including online and offline revenue and transactions. The image below shows an example.
