Dimensions Availability FAQ and Troubleshooting

Note: This feature is only available to users of Singular's attribution product.


dimensions_availability_screenshot.pngThe new Dimensions Availability window gives you full transparency into your reporting data by showing you which networks provide which dimensions to Singular.

By clicking the Dimensions Availability icon binoculars_icon.png next to dimensions in reporting pages or next to data connectors in the Data Connectors page, you can see:

  • For a given dimension, which of your networks provides it to Singular through the data connector, and whether we also get it on the tracker side.
  • For a given network (data connector), which dimensions it provides to Singular, and whether we also get them on the tracker side.

If a dimension is available from both sides, it means you can run a report and see your CPI and ROI broken down by this dimension. This is because Singular can match the network metrics such as cost to tracker metrics such as installs and revenue for the given breakdown.


Why is there data available for networks I no longer advertise with?

Dimensions Availability represents data from the past year. If you've advertised with a network in the past year, it shows up in the Dimensions Availability table.

Why am I not getting CPI/ROI/etc., even though I am getting both network data and tracker data?

It's possible that, even though Singular is getting a dimension from both sides, the value doesn't match.

In the following example, Publisher ID is available from both the network and the tracker but with different values, preventing Singular from joining the data into one row in the report:


To learn more, see Understanding Singular Reporting Data: Joining Network and Tracker Data.


How do I check availability for a dimension?

Go to Analytics > Reports, Analytics > Creatives, or SKAdNetwork > Raw, hover over the dimension, and click the binoculars icon binoculars_icon.png.


How do I check dimensions availability for a network?

Go to Settings > Data Connectors, hover over the data connector for the network, and click the binoculars icon binoculars_icon.png.


What do the "network" and "tracker" columns mean?
  • Network data is aggregate data pulled by Singular from the network and ingested into Singular's analytics platform.
  • Tracker data is data from Singular's attribution tracker. It's provided by the same network, but this time through passthrough parameters added to clicks and impressions.

Network and tracker data may have different granularity, with one dimension available on the network side but not available on the tracker side, or vice versa. This happens when a network does not provide all the same dimensions to Singular in both types of integrations (the analytics integration and the tracker integration).

For more information, see Understanding Singular Reporting Data.

What do the icons in the Dimensions Availability table mean?
Icon Meaning
available_icon.png Available: Singular pulls this dimension.
unavailable_icon.png Unavailable: This dimension is not available from this source.
singular-magic-icon.png Singular Magic: Singular does not pull this dimension's data directly from the network but we still provide it through interpolation, the combiner process, or data mapping. To learn more about the methods Singular uses to help complete your data, see Understanding Singular Reporting Data.
no_data_connector.png Missing Data Connector: You have not set up a data connector for this network, so Singular can't connect to it to pull network data such as cost. Go to the Settings > Data Connectors page to configure a data connector. See the Data Connectors FAQ for help. (We know you work with this network because we have data for it on the tracker side.)
Why is it important if a dimension is available on both the network and the tracker side?

If a dimension is available from both sides, it means you can run a report and see your CPI and ROI broken down by this dimension.

This is because Singular can match the network metrics (such as cost) to tracker metrics (such as installs and revenue) for the given breakdown.


When a dimension is unavailable, what is the reason? What can I do?

Dimensions may be unavailable for various reasons, the main ones being:

  • The network simply doesn't provide the dimension.
  • The network provides different breakdown options and your account preferences are configured to pull a different dimension.

For example, Facebook lets you choose between seeing the Country, the Sub Ad Network ("Publisher Platform" in Facebook), or Platform ("Impression Device" in Facebook). If you choose one of these three, the other two are unavailable.

Tip: For more information, see Data Connectors in Detail, where we document the limitations and special behaviors of some of our partner networks.

When a dimension is marked with the singular-magic-icon.png icon, how do I find out what method was used to derive the data?

Hover over the icon to get more information. The possible methods are:

  • Mapping: Singular derived the value from a different dimension provided by the same source. For example, the app name and the platform for which it was developed are often part of the campaign name, so if a network provides the campaign name, Singular can derive the App and Platform dimension values from it.
  • Combining: Singular copied the dimension's value from the tracker side to the network side or vice versa in the combining process. For example, if the Campaign ID matches on both sides, we assume the Campaign Name should match also. To learn more, see Understanding Singular Reporting Data: The Singular Combiner.
  • Interpolation: Network metrics were estimated for this dimension based on data from the tracker side. See Understanding Singular Reporting Data: Data Interpolation (Estimated Metrics).
What does it mean when a dimension is marked as available? Is it for my account only or the network in general?

The table is based on your own account data only and is updated daily.

To construct the availability table, Singular looks at your specific data for the past year and marks which breakdowns are available. For example, if at least 5% of your campaign cost from a particular network for the past year is associated with a Campaign ID, we mark Campaign ID as available.

Note: Some dimensions appear both in regular reports and creative reports. If one of these dimensions appears as available in the availability table, this applies to regular reports, not necessarily to creative reports.

Is there Dimension Availability for SKAdNetwork?

In SKAdNetwork raw data (SKAdNetwork > Raw), you can see the availability of SKAN Campaign ID. This tells you whether we receive SKAdNetwork postbacks from any given network.

You can also see the availability of SKAN Publisher ID, SKAN Version, and SKAN View Through.


Is there Dimension Availability for ad monetization reports?

This is currently not supported.

What happens if my network adds/removes a dimension?
Note: This happens, for example, if you change your Facebook Ads preferences to get "Impression Device" (in Singular, the Platform dimension) instead of Country.

A new dimension that is provided by a network will be shown as available in the table immediately after the next data pull (the next day).

A dimension that is not being provided anymore will still be shown as available for a time because Singular looks at your data a full year back.