Microsoft Azure Storage Data Destination

Learn how to export data from Singular automatically to Microsoft Azure Storage.

Note: Data destinations are an enterprise feature (learn more).


Setup Instructions

Step 1: Get a Storage Account

  1. Log into your Microsoft Azure account and go to the Portal.
  2. Under Azure services, select Storage Accounts.

  3. Click Add.


  4. Under Create storage account:

    • Choose a Resource group or create a new one.
    • Enter an Account Name.
    • You can leave the default values in rest of the fields.
    • Click Review + Create.


  5. Click Create.
  6. Wait for the deployment to finish. Once the message "Your deployment is complete" appears, click Go to Resource.


Step 2: Grant the Necessary Permissions

  1. In the resource page, select Shared access signature in the right sidebar (if the sidebar is not visible, click the arrows in the upper left corner).


  2. In the Shared access signature settings page:

    • Under Allowed services, make sure all the checkboxes are checked.
    • Under Allowed resource types, check all the checkboxes (they are not checked by default).
    • Under Allowed permissions, make sure all the checkboxes are checked.
    • Set the expiry date to a few years in the future.

    • Click Generate SAS and connection string.


  3. In the list of strings and URLs that is now displayed, find the Connection String and copy it.


Step 3: Set Up the Destination in Singular

  1. In your Singular account, go to Settings > Data Destinations.
  2. Type "Azure Storage" in the search box and click it in the dropdown list.
  3. In the Add Connector window:
