Export Logs and User-Level Data: Supported Fields

These are the fields available in each type of log on the Attribution > Export Logs page.
See the Export Logs and User-Level Data FAQ.

Some of these fields are also available in Data Destinations: User-Level (Event-Level) Data Schemas. (Note that BigQuery destinations do not support timezones. All timestamps sent to BigQuery are in UTC.)

Supported Fields by Log Type/Schema

Clicks Conversions Events Postbacks SKAN Postbacks App SKAN Postbacks Fraud

This log includes a row for each ad click recorded by Singular. These are the clicks that Singular examines to determine attribution for conversions (installs and re-engagements). Only clicks received via a Singular Link are available in click logs. Self-attributing partner "click claims" are not available in click logs.

Field Name Description Example
Affiliate ID If there is a third party involved in the campaign - e.g., if the network bought inventory from another platform, or a DSP bought inventory from an exchange - this is the ID of the platform/exchange.  
Affiliate Name If there is a third party involved in the campaign - e.g., if the network bought inventory from another platform, or a DSP bought inventory from an exchange - this is the name of the platform/exchange.  
Agency ID The ID of the agency through which the campaign was created (if any).  
Agency Name The name of the agency through which the campaign was created (if any).  
Android ID The Android ID of the user's device. See Types of Device IDs below. dcd84702-d175-41ab- adfa-9f4ff9d49316
Android ID MD5 The Android ID of the user's device, in MD5 format. See Types of Device IDs below. 128ecf542a35ac5270a 87dc740918404
Android ID SHA1 The Android ID of the user's device, in SHA1 format. See Types of Device IDs below. ffa6706ff2127a749973 072756f83c532e43ed02
App Longname The package name of the app. com.example.amazing_app
Banner Name
The name of the banner that the user clicked before they installed the app. This dimension is only available to Banners customers.  
Bid Type The method by which the campaign bid was set up. For more information, see the Campaign Properties FAQ.  
Campaign ID The campaign ID of the ad that the user clicked on. Chartboost_IOS
Campaign Name The campaign name of the ad that the user clicked on. Charboost_Example_IOS
Click ID The ID of the ad click. 128ecf542a35ac5270 a87dc740918404
Creative ID The ID of the creative that the user clicked on.  128ecf542a35ac527 0a87dc740918404
Creative Name The name of the creative that the user clicked on. EMEA_30seconds_LUKE
Device ID The ID of the user's device. This can be a GAID, IDFA, AID, or any other type of device ID.  
Device ID Type The type of the ID in the "Device ID" field (e.g., GAID, AID, IDFA, etc.). See Types of Device IDs below.  
Device User Agent    
Extra Extra fields passed to Singular with the ad click. redirect=false&rt=json &game_id=123233
GAID The Google Advertising ID of the user's device. See Types of Device IDs below. dcd84702-d175-41ab- adfa-9f4ff9d49316
GAID MD5 The Google Advertising ID of the user's device in MD5 format. See Types of Device IDs below. 128ecf542a35ac5270a 87dc740918404
GAID SHA1 The Google Advertising ID of the user's device in SHA1 format. See Types of Device IDs below. ffa6706ff2127a749973 072756f83c532e43ed02
IDFA The Identifier for Advertisers of the user's device (on Apple devices). See Types of Device IDs below. dcd84702-d175-41ab- adfa-9f4ff9d49316
IDFA MD5 The Identifier for Advertisers of the user's device in MD5 format (on Apple devices). See Types of Device IDs below. 128ecf542a35ac5270 a87dc740918404
IDFA SHA1 The Identifier for Advertisers of the user's device in SHA1 format (on Apple devices). See Types of Device IDs below. ffa6706ff2127a749973 072756f83c532e43ed02
IDFV The IDFV (Identifier for Vendors) received from the device. See Types of Device IDs below. >dcd84702-d175-41ab- adfa-9f4ff9d49316
IP The user's IP address.
Is Re-engagement Whether the ad belonged to a re-engagement (retargeting) campaign. true/false
Keyword The search keyword that led to the ad being displayed.  
Keyword ID
The internal ID given by the ad network to the targeted search keyword.  
Metadata ID    
OS The operating system on the user's device. ios
OS Version The version of the OS on the user's device. 14.2
Partner The name of the ad network or other partner that served the ad. Facebook
Platform The platform of the user's device. ios
Publisher Concatenated The name and ID (concatenated) of the app on which the ad was served. 1235551
Publisher Hashed ID
The hashed ID of the app on which the ad was served (sometimes this is provided by the partner instead of an actual ID).  
Publisher ID The ID of the app on which the ad was served. 1235123
Publisher Name The name of the app on which the ad was served. My Awesome App
Security Hash The Singular security hash of the click. ffa6706ff2127a749973 072756f83c532e43ed02
Singular Campaign Name The Singular campaign name of the ad that the user clicked on. This may be different from "Campaign Name" - for example, if there are duplicate names. 12323534543 - AdWords_EMEA
Sub Campaign ID The ID of the sub campaign (a.k.a "ad set" or "ad group") that the ad belongs to. 1511
Sub Campaign Name The name of the sub campaign(a.k.a "ad set" or "ad group") that the ad belongs to. Non-Incent KR
Sub Publisher ID The ID of the sub publisher. 321291
Sub Publisher Name The name of the sub publisher. Sub Pub
Tag ID The Singular tag ID of the touchpoint. 123123125543
Timestamp The time in which the click was received in the Singular servers, in ISO 8601 timestamp format. 2018-02-26T12:55:38+00:00
Timestamp Unix UTC The time in which the click was received in the Singular servers, in UTC Unix format. 1519646873
Tracker Name The tracker name of the ad that the user clicked on. This is the name that was given to the tracking link in the attribution tracker's platform.  
UDID The Unique Device ID (for Apple devices).  
User Agent The user agent string, which contains information about the browser used. Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15A432
UTM Campaign    
UTM Content    
UTM Medium    
UTM Source    
UTM Term    
WAID The Windows Advertising ID of the user's account on their device.  

Types of Device IDs

Singular uses various types of device IDs for attributing conversions and events. If a certain type of device ID was used, you should see the value in the Device ID column, while the Device ID Type column tells you which type of ID it is.

For details, see the Types of Device IDs table.