How to Verify Device Attribution

Singular provides two methods for checking a device's attribution: the Device Assist app and the Attribution Details API endpoint.

Verifying attribution is part of the process of testing a new SDK/S2S integration, as well as testing a new Singular Link after you create it and before you start using it in campaigns.

 For the full guide to testing Singular Links, see How to Test a Tracking Link.

 For the full guide for testing new SDK/S2S integration, see Using the Testing Console.

  Guide for UA Managers, Developers
  Tools A mobile device for testing


How to Verify Attribution Using the Singular Device Assist App

1 Download the Singular Device Assist app for iOS or Android.

Open the app and select Check Implementation.



Your device Identifier would be selected by default. Select Check Implementation again.



The app displays the attribution information for this app as recorded in Singular, including:

  • Install time, attributed network, and campaign name
  • Re-engagement time, attributed network, and campaign name
  • A summary of the sessions and in-app events that occurred on this device, as tracked by Singular.



How to Verify Attribution Using the Attribution Details Endpoint

Note: This endpoint is a beta feature. Use this endpoint for testing only. Do not call it inside your app or in a production environment.

To check the attribution for a device, run the following query:<KEYSPACE>

Query Parameters

Parameter Format Description
api_key String API key provided in the Singular console
device_id String The device's advertising ID
keyspace String The type of advertising ID:
IDFA: Used in iOS devices (Identifier for Advertisers)
IDFV: Used in iOS devices (Identifier for Vendors)
AIFA: Used in Android devices, also known as GAID
SDID: Singular Device ID - used for web tracking. You can read the Singular Device ID using singularSdk.getSingularDeviceId() after calling the init method or using InitFinishedCallback.

Sample Output

The endpoint returns a response in JSON format, as in the following example:

    "app_long_name": "",
    "app_name": "My App",

    "install_info": {
      "install_time": "2020-06-10 11:58:46",
      "network": "Network 1 ",
      "additional_parameters": {
        "kw": "my keyword",
        "pcid": "1234"
      "campaign_name": "Campaign Name",
      "view_through_attribution": false

    "re_engagement_info": {
      "notes": "Attributions from Self-Attributing networks including: Twitter, Facebook, Google Ads, Snapchat, etc are redacted and always show as 'Unattributed'",
      "install_time": "2020-06-15 15:27:12",
      "network": "Unattributed"
  "uninstall_pre_requisites": {
    "gcm_token": "enE8iQR10RI:APA91bERgfA_xm8T7zgqH9OW_1s05SFFmKnle1zIm0cMrDfuaSxEmC_3j72dj4qN36vh5V8TAEnrXa3Pq3SmLW-XNOHP7daMwcBrBTibdkv_pKMJbN9SbefV6_9nuEfIeI5Zhtz0nlLY"
  "events": [
      "event_name": "Session",
      "first_event_time": "2020-04-02 00:09:55",
      "last_event_time": "2020-04-07 20:59:55",
      "event_count": 2
      "event_name": "Save New Transaction",
      "first_event_time": "2020-04-02 00:11:51",
      "last_event_time": "2020-04-02 00:11:51",
      "event_count": 1


Output Parameters

Parameter Description

Important information about the install and the attribution decision, including:


Same as install_info but for re-engagement attribution.


A summary of the in-app events tracked by the SDK, including:

  • The time of the first event tracked
  • The time of the last event tracked
  • Count of events
  • Revenue (if any)
uninstall_pre_requisites Either apns (for iOS) or gcm_token (for Android).