Learn how to use the Singular API to support GDPR requests.
GDPR Endpoints
Endpoint | Method | URL | Description |
Discovery | GET | https://gdpr.singular.net/gdpr/discovery | Returns all currently supported request types that Singular can process through the GDPR API. |
Requests | POST | https://gdpr.singular.net/gdpr/requests | Use this endpoint to send new GDPR requests, sent through an HTTP POST request while specifying the Device IDs for the requested data subjects. |
Status | GET | https://gdpr.singular.net/gdpr/requests/request_id | Returns the current status for a previously sent request, identified by its Request ID. |
Cancellation | DELETE | https://gdpr.singular.net/gdpr/requests/request_id | Use this endpoint to cancel a previous request. This is possible as long as the request is in "pending" status. |
Discovery Endpoint
GET | https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/discovery |
The OpenGDPR Discovery endpoint returns all currently supported request types that Singular can process through the GDPR API.
Sample Query
import requests
response = requests.get("https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/discovery")
Sample Output
"api_version": "0.1.4",
"supported_identities": [
{"identity_format": "raw","identity_type": "android_advertising_id"},
{"identity_format": "raw","identity_type": "android_id"},
{"identity_format": "raw","identity_type": "ios_advertising_id"},
{"identity_format": "raw","identity_type": "ios_vendor_id"},
{"identity_format": "raw","identity_type": "user_id"}
"supported_subject_request_types": [
Requests Endpoint
POST | https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/requests |
The OpenGDPR Requests endpoint handles new GDPR requests, sent through an HTTP POST request while specifying the Device IDs for the requested data subjects.
Supported Requests
The OpenGDPR Requests endpoint supports the following types of requests, corresponding to different GDPR rights:
- `erasure` - supporting user requests for data erasure as part of the GDPR's Article 17, Right to erasure
- `access` - supporting user requests for data access as part of the GDPR's Article 15, Right to access
Supported IDs
The OpenGDPR Requests endpoint supports the following types of IDs:
- `android_advertising_id` - requests made by providing the Google Advertising ID, which is also known as GAID or AIFA
- `android_id` - requests made by providing the Android ID, which is also known as ANDI
- `ios_advertising_id` - requests made by providing IDFA, which is the iOS Advertising ID. Note that requests for "limit-ad-tracking or ATT AuthorizationStatus denied" devices containing zeroed IDFAs ("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") will be ignored, and the API will not return with an error. `ios_vendor_id` should be used instead.
- `ios_vendor_id` - requests made by providing IDFV, which is the iOS ID for Vendors
- `user_id` - requests made by providing the Custom User ID
Sample Query
import requests
url = "https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/requests"
payload = {
"subject_request_id": "1c8b23f4-12eb-4fe8-af1c-0f72807dfec2",
"subject_request_type": "access",
"submitted_time": "2018-05-25T10:00:00Z",
"subject_identities": [
"identity_type": "android_advertising_id",
"identity_value": "38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e40000d",
"identity_format": "raw"
"property_id": "Android:com.myapp.xyz",
headers = {
"content-type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "[API_KEY]"
response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
Query Parameters
Parameter | Format | Description | Example |
subject_request_id | String | UUIDv4 string | |
subject_request_type | String | String value representing the type of OpenGDPR Request. Singular currently supports the values: "erasure", "portability", "access" | |
subject_identities | Array | A list of identity objects describing the type, value and format for each Device ID to fulfill the request for. A request can contain up to 100 Device IDs. |
submitted_time | RFC 3339 date string representing the time of the original request by the data subject | 2010-05-25T10:00:00Z | |
property_id | String | The [platform]:[longname] pair to specify the relevant app. | iOS:com.myapp.xyz |
Sample Output
"expected_completion_time": "2018-06-24T10:00:01Z",
"encoded_request":"<BASE64 ENCODED REQUEST>",
"results_url": "https://url-to-results-in-json-format",
"api_version": "0.1.4"
Status Endpoint
GET | https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/requests/<REQUEST_ID> |
Returns the current status for a previously sent request, identified by its Request ID.
Sample Query
import requests
url = "https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/requests/"
subject_request_id = "1c8b23f4-12eb-4fe8-af1c-0f72807dfec2"
headers = {"Authorization": "<API KEY>"}
response = requests.get(url+subject_request_id, headers=headers)
Sample Output
"controller_id": "example_controller_id",
"request_status": "completed",
"expected_completion_time": "2018-06-24T10:00:01Z",
"subject_request_id": "1c8b23f4-12eb-4fe8-af1c-0f72807dfec2",
"api_version": "0.1.4"
Cancellation Endpoint
DELETE | https://gdpr.singular.net/gdpr/requests/<REQUEST_ID> |
Use this endpoint to cancel a previous request. This is possible as long as the request is in "pending" status.
Sample Query
import requests
url = "https://gdpr.singular.net/api/gdpr/requests/"
subject_request_id = "1c8b23f4-12eb-4fe8-af1c-0f72807dfec2"
headers = {"Authorization": "<API KEY>"}
response = requests.delete(url+subject_request_id, headers=headers)
Sample Output