React Native SDK: Change Log

Release Date Description
3.5.2 2024/07/18 Fix: Align public api for typescript
iOS: 12.4.4 Android: 12.5.6
3.5.1 2024/06/18 Fix: Expose ShortLink service api
iOS: 12.4.2 Android: 12.5.5
3.5.0 2024/04/25 Feature: iOS: Privacy Manifest support.
Fix: Android: Possible bug in DB handling.
iOS: 12.4.2 Android: 12.5.5
3.4.2 2024/03/04 Fix: Android: Internal network request structure.
Updated to the latest versions of the native SDK (iOS 12.3.2 and Android 12.5.4).
3.4.1 2024/02/26 Feature: Improve support for SDID.
3.4.0 2024/02/19 Feature: Improve support for SDID.
Feature: Support for attribution callback.
Fix: Uninstall token.
3.3.0 2023/11/10 Feature: Support SDID.
Feature: Android: Support Meta install referrer.
Feature: Android: Improve Digital Turbine integration.
Fix: Android: Corrupted Motorola Device Identifier.
Fix: iOS: iAd framework removal.
3.2.2 2023/09/13 Feature: Android: support Galaxy Store referrer.
Feature: iOS: SKAN improvements.
Feature: Extend deeplink handling to support query parameters extraction.
3.1.19 2023/07/10 Fix: Minor bug fix and improvements.
3.1.18 2023/05/16 Feature: Support ESP domains.
Feature: Support expo-config plugin.
3.1.17 2023/04/19 Feature: iOS SKAN enabled by default.
iOS GDPR event crash.
3.1.16 2023/04/02 Fix: iOS deeplinking after warm start.
Fix: iOS improve SKAN 4 support.
3.1.15 2023/02/22 Fix: Android Referrer Links API handler bug.
3.1.14 2023/02/13 Fix: iOS Improve SKAN 4 support.
Fix: iOS SDK's offline behavior.
3.1.13 2022/12/20 Fix: API function overlapping.
3.1.12 2022/12/15 Feature: iOS SKAN4 support (Manual + Managed).
Fix: Support React 0.70.
Fix: Modified Standard Events values.
3.1.11 2022/10/18 Fix: Minor Android improvements.
3.1.10 2022/09/20 Feature: Support Android Billing library V5, Standard Events.
Fix: Minor improvements.
3.1.9 2022/07/12 Added: Referrer link helper functions.
3.1.7 2022/05/03 Improved: Support for non google identifiers.
3.1.6 2022/04/25 Added: support for gradle 7+.
3.1.5 2022/04/19 Feature:Support advanced Deferred deep linking options.
3.1.4 2022/03/22 Improved: Support for OAID.
Added: Support for Google billing library 4.0.0+.
3.1.3 2022/03/07 Added: Support to changing Android Log level.
3.1.2 2022/03/06 Improved: Android Identifiers Collection.
3.1.1 2022/03/02 Improved: ASID handling.
3.1.0 2022/01/20 Feature: Added GlobalProperties and collect OAID support.
3.0.0 2021/12/16 Feature: Added ASID support.
Improved: Sending Android Install referrer on first session.
2.0.1 2021/07/27 Feature: Supports AdMon revenue reporting.
Fix: Auto-linking for iOS.
Added: TypeScript support.
1.1.4 2020/11/24 Feature: Added setDeviceCustomUserId support.
1.1.3 2020/11/10 Fix: The Android Singular Links callback was invoked when the app resumed from the background without being opened using a deep link. 
1.1.1 2020/09/10 Fix: Fixed a crash when Singular Link passthrough is null. 
1.1.0 2020/09/01 Feature: Added Singular SKAN support.
1.0.4 2020/07/28 Added: CCPA compliance support with limited data sharing.
1.0.3 2020/02/20 Fix: Fixed crash when there was no current activity in the Android plugin.
1.0.2 2020/02/06 Fix: Changed session timeout to non-null type on iOS plugin.