Integrating with Singular Analytics via API (Partners)

This guide is for Singular analytics partners who want to integrate with Singular by providing access to their reporting API. Learn more in the Integrating with Singular Analytics FAQ.

If you are a Singular customer, see Guide to the Singular Reporting API and the Reporting API Reference instead.

Minimum Requirements

To integrate with Singular, your API must provide the following:

    • Method: GET or POST
    • API response format: JSON or CSV
    • Data:
      • App Store ID/package name (to identify individual apps) OR App / Brand Name + OS / Platform
      • Campaign Name
      • Cost
      • The data must be broken down by day (date)
    • Query parameters: Singular should be able to request data by Start Date and End Date
    • Filtering: Singular should be capable of filtering data for individual clients.

Notes on Filtering: Kindly note that if your API requires unique credentials for each client, there is no necessity to implement additional filtering mechanisms.

Additional Data (Recommended)

To provide our shared clients with the highest reporting granularity, we encourage you to provide as many additional dimensions and metrics as possible from the list below:

Dimensions (Breakdowns)

Dimension Description
app The name of the app or brand

iOS apps: The app's store ID in the Apple App Store (e.g., 144175066)

Android apps: The package name in Google Play (e.g., com.example.myapp)

campaign_name The campaign name
campaign_id The internal ID for campaign within the network's system
campaign_url The campaign URL, a.k.a tracking URL/store URL
sub_campaign_name The name of the ad group/ad set, if applicable
sub_campaign_id The ID of the ad group/ad set, if applicable

Country code (2-letter) the ad was served in (e.g., UK)



The operating system of the marketed product.

For an app, this indicates which app store the app is sold in, e.g., "iOS" or "Android". For non-mobile products, this is "web".



The platform of the marketed product, e.g., "iPhone" or "iPad".

creative_name The name of the creative or ad
creative_id The ID of the creative or ad
creative_url The URL to the creative assets (Image/Video)
creative_text The text portion of the creative, if any
creative_width Creative width in pixels
creative_height Creative height in pixels
publisher_site_name The name of the publisher (app) in which the ad has been displayed
publisher_site_id The public ID of the publisher (app) in which the ad has been displayed
publisher_id The hashed ID of the publisher (app) in which the ad has been displayed
currency ISO 4217 3-Letter Currency Code (e.g., USD)
adnetwork_name The name of the ad network (if you are an agency and you are providing campaign data from multiple ad networks)


Metric Description
impressions Ad views
clicks Ad clicks
installs App installs or conversions

Implementation Examples

Here are examples of API requests and responses that Singular can work with.

Request (GET):


The response in CSV:

2022-01-01,Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US),1195648107,iOS,interstitial,3,,292088,11244,238,166.6
2022-01-01,Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US),1195648107,iOS,banner,2,,16444743,86716,4366,3056.2 2022-01-01,Fresh Air iOS Campaign
(US),1195648107,iOS,banner,1,, 802797,40263,1800,3960.0
2022-01-01,Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US),1195648107,iOS,video,3,,398590,17107,763,2479.75
2022-01-01,Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US),1195648107,iOS,banner,4,,423573,15429,454,317.8
2022-01-02,Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US),1195648107,iOS,interstitial,2,,1425602,69436,2771,6096.2

Request (GET):


The response in JSON:

[ { 
"date": "2022-01-01",
"campaign_name": "Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US)",
"site_public_id": 1195648107,
"os": iOS,
"creative_name": "interstitial ",
"creative_id": 3,
"impressions": 292088,
"clicks": 11244,
"installs": 238,
"cost": "166.6"
}, {
"date": "2022-01-01",
"campaign_name": "Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US)",
"site_public_id": 1195648107,
"os": iOS,
"creative_name": "banner ",
"creative_id": 2,
"impressions": 16444743,
"clicks": 86716,
"installs": 4366,
"cost": "3056.2"
}, {
"date": "2022-01-01",
"campaign_name": "Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US)",
"site_public_id": 1195648107,
"os": iOS,
"creative_name": "banner ",
"creative_id": 1,
"impressions": 802797,
"clicks": 40263,
"installs": 1800,
"cost": "3960.0"
}, {
"date": "2022-01-01",
"campaign_name": "Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US)",
"site_public_id": 1195648107,
"os": iOS,
"creative_name": "banner ",
"creative_id": 4,
"impressions": 398590,
"clicks": 17107,
"installs": 763,
"cost": "2479.75"
}, {
"date": "2022-01-01",
"campaign_name": "Fresh Air iOS Campaign (US)",
"site_public_id": 1195648107,
"os": iOS,
"creative_name": "interstitial ",
"creative_id": 2,
"impressions": 423573,
"clicks": 15429,
"installs": 454,
"cost": "317.8"