Cordova SDK: Change Log

Release Date Description
1.5.0 2024/10/30 Feature: Improve internal native infra logic.
iOS: 12.6.0 (revert to statically linked lib) Android: 12.6.0
1.4.0 2024/04/25 Feature: iOS: Privacy Manifest support.
Fix: Android: Possible bug in DB handling.
12.4.2 and Android: 12.5.5
1.3.2 2024/03/04 Fix: Android: Internal network request structure.
12.3.2 and Android: 12.5.4
1.3.1 2024/02/25 Feature: Improve support for SDID.
Feature: Support for attribution callback.
Fix: Uninstall token.
1.3.0 2023/02/19 Fix: Bug Fix.
1.2.0 2023/11/09 Feature: Support SDID.
Feature: Android: Support Meta install referrer.
1.1.1 2023/09/14 Feature: Update underlying iOS SDK to 12.1.1
1.0.9 2023/09/13 Feature: Added support for Getting URL parameters from Singular link params in deep link handler.
1.0.8 2023/07/11 Fix: iOS - skAdNetworkEnabled is set to true by default.
Fix: Android - Minor bug fix and improvements.
1.0.7 2023/04/19 Feature: Adding support for globalProperties.
Fix: iOS - Bug fix.
1.0.6 2023/04/02 Fix: iOS - SKAN improvements.
Fix: iOS - deeplinking from warm start up.
1.0.5 2023/02/22 Fix: Bug fixes.
1.0.4 2023/02/13 Feature: Improved SKAN 4 support.
1.0.3 2022/12/15 Feature: SKAN4 support.
1.0.2 2022/09/19 Fix: Minor improvements.
1.0.1 2022/09/19 Feature: Android: Support Android Billing library V5, Standard Events, minor improvements.
Feature: iOS: Standard Events, minor improvements.
1.0.0 2022/07/12 Feature: Added Referrer link helper functions.