Chartboost Data Connector

Learn how Singular pulls advertising cost data from Chartboost and displays it in your reports.

Quick Details

Data Connector Technology API Analytics v5
Data breakdown (segmentation)
  • Campaign
  • Country
  • Platform
  • Creative
  • Publisher
How far back we pull data 7 days
Time Zone UTC
Is data available on the creative (ad) level? Yes
Does Singular show your creative assets (images)? No
Known Limitations / Issues Creative assets are no longer supported by Chartboost's Analytics v5 reporting API. After Oct. 31, 2024 you will not have creative assets reported.


Data Mapping

For descriptions of each field, see Singular Metrics and Dimensions Descriptions.

Field in Singular UI Field in Singular API Field in Network (v5)
Date DATE dt/date
Campaign ID ADN_CAMPAIGN_ID Campaign ID
Campaign Name CAMPAIGN_NAME Campaign Name
Platform REPORTED_TYPE Platform/To App Platform
App APP App Name / To App Name
Country COUNTRY Country
Creative Name CREATIVE_NAME Creative/creative
Publisher Site Name PUBLISHER_SITE_NAME From App Name
Publisher Site ID PUBLISHER_SITE_ID From App ID
Original Cost ORIGINAL_COST Money Spent/moneySpent
Network Clicks CLICKS Clicks
Network Impressions IMPRESSIONS Impressions/impressionsReceived
Network Installs

Special Instructions

To find your Chartboost client ID and client secret required for Singular to pull data, please take the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Chartboost platform.
  2. Click on your user icon at the top right corner.
  3. Select Company info & settings.
  4. Select Access Management from the left navigation column.
  5. Click on Refresh API v5 Credentials to obtain new client ID and client secret credentials.

Here are the reference documentation for the Chartboost Advertising API for further assistance: